Twilight: Eclipse: The YouTube game!

I’ll be honest and awesome at the same time — Nothing about Twilight interests me at all.  It’s all lame-o and those Burger King ads give me migraines.  However, this little idea here is a pretty cool concept even if it does deal with the excruciating pain in the ass that is — Twilight.

The idea here was by several people who turned Twilight: Eclipse into an 8-bit NES style game using YouTube as its chariot.  Basically, it is a choose your own adventure game (remember those books?  Remember reading?)  You watch the scene, and then the YouTube annotations will pop up allowing you to choose what happens next.  It’s actually pretty nifty.

Have a go at it:

One Response to “Twilight: Eclipse: The YouTube game!”

  1. Guinavere Says:

    ok i agree the burger king ads scare me, they really are killing the whole twilight thing.But I totally disagree twilight rocks, the twists and turns, the temptation of blood, rivalry, love, and lust its worth watching. Though, warning it is a chick flick in my opinion.

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